Although I don't know how to feel about his twee version of 'Society Suckers', I gotta admit Walter Schreifels hit the nail on the frickin' head here with this quote of his I stole off the Radio Silence site --
'Hardcore is American folk music at heart, celebrated and imitated around the world, like Levi’s, Coca Cola, Airports and Spaceships. It’s influence continues to be felt not only in music but in art, fashion and graphic design. Ian MacKaye is our Woody Guthrie, Agnostic Front our Carter Family.'
Right on N.D!!!
On a non-Hahdcaw note, the new season of Russell Brand's Ponderland started a few weeks ago over the pond. Hey...I guess I'm a moron 'cause I still find the guy funny, even with the Adam Sandler connections and crank calls and huge hair and all. Here's a lazy YouTube link to a good 'un -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lv5IWwSOTLA&feature=related
And that is all.